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DestroY MediaPlay v1.4.1

Last version: v1.4.1

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DestroY MediaPlay is DestroY Software's newest media player. DestroY MediaPlay offers as many features as commercial players, but DestroY MediaPlay is FREE!!
With DestroY MediaPlay you will be able to play most types of audio and video files and has lots of advanced features. For more information about features, keep on reading.

- Playback of .avi, .asf, .asx, .wav, .wma, .wmv, .ogg, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mid, .rmi, .mo3, .it, .xm, .s3m, .mtm, .umx, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .au, .snd and more!
- Video DVD Playback!
- Audio CD Playback, with CDDB support!
- Internet Streaming (audio & video) with support for SHOUTcast/Icecast radio stations and MMS online TV channels!
- Great modern looking design!!
- Association to media and playlist files, supporting deassociations and shell context menu options!
- Complete Playlist Manager full of features!
- Playlist M3U, PLS and M3L loading & saving support!!
- Add media files and playlists by a button or by drag n' drop!
- Export Playlist to an HTML file!
- Recursive file search engine (HD/Folder and CD/DVD/removable drives)
- Playlist internal search with several display options: Search & Select, Search & Crop and Search First/Next, and All/Any keywords selection
- Spectrum Analyzer and Oscilloscope Visualizations with predefined styles and customization options!
- Schedule your player to play a file, stop playback or close player at (end of) a certain media number, date, daily, weekly or monthly with MediaSchedule!
- Optional Global Hotkeys are triggered even when DestroY MediaPlay is not focused or minimized, allowing you to control playback while working on your text processor or playing fullscreen games!
- Shuffle and Repeat (All/Track) functions
- Watch videos and DVD's in fullscreen or in your desktop as a wallpaper
- Advanced DVD Video features (menus/chapters/position marks)
- MediaInfo panel, with all the needed information about your files!
- Lyrics feature, supporting synchronized LRC and plain TXT files
- TagEdit: ID3v1, ID3v2 and OGG tag reading, editing and saving, with advanced features
- DirectX Sound Effects : Echo, Reverb, Flanger
- 10 bands DirectX Equalizer, with Presets previewing/loading/saving/deleting.
- VisualFX: Winamp 2 compatible visualizations!!
- Bookmark your favourite media files with MediaBookmarks function, supporting position marking
- Select the Volume Bar mixer line (Wave, Master, File)
- Full skins support! Includes 7 skins plus separate downloadable skin packs!
- Run DestroY MediaPlay in MiniMode!
- MediaTools: Find all the tools and utilities in one window!
- MiniBrowser with specifically-made MiniSite
- MediaUpdate: Check for new versions and download them!
- Automatically check for updates on startup (optional)
- Settings panel with lots of features: General, Playback, Playlist, Visualizations, Video, MediaAnnounce, VisualFX, Skins, MediaUpdate, etc
- MediaAnnounce: Get notified at every media that starts with a small popup! Two modes: Slide Mode and Fade Mode, including "Maximmum Opacity" and "Only if minimized" features
- Show current media file title as Windows Live Messenger's Personal Message
- MediaResume: Resumes the last played media
- Scroll media title in taskbar
- Media position bar with seeking feature by dragging
- Minimize player to tray or taskbar
- Ability to control playback from the systray
- Right click menus in player, playlist, video window and visualization with several features and advanced playback options (Stop w/fadeout, Stop after Current, Stop after..., Jump to Time, etc)
- "Window Opacity" feature with Opaque on Hover/Focus settings (Windows 2000/XP and higher only)
- Choose to have DestroY MediaPlay always on top or not
- Snap to screen edges function, with distance selection
- Visual help system!
- Optional "Ask On Exit" function
- Several keyboard shorcuts
- DestroY MediaPlay doesn't mess up your registry, settings are saved in an ini file!
- Full install and unistall support
- and much more!!!
- Best of all.. IT's FREE!!!!

- Intel Pentium II or AMD equivalent
- Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8
- 128mb RAM (256mb recommended)
- 800x600 screen resolution (1024x768 recommended)
- 16-bit high color display
- DirectX 9.0a or higher
- Sound card
- For DVD Playback: DVD decoding software/codecs installed
- Recommended: Internet connection
- VisualFX: Some require 3D acceleration and may use many MB's of memory
- MediaAnnounce: Microsoft MSN Messenger 7 or higher for "Personal Message" feature

NOTE: DestroY MediaPlay might work in system with less specs, but those are recommended.

Version History
DestroY MediaPlay v1.4.1
- Fixed an issue reported in some Windows 7 computers causing DestroY MediaPlay's interface not to show on startup

DestroY MediaPlay v1.4.0
- DestroY MediaPlay is now Windows Vista ready! Several Vista-specific problems were fixed
- Completely new MediaSchedule! You will now be able to schedule DestroY MediaPlay to play a certain media item, stop playback or close the player at (end of) a certain media number, date, daily, weekly or monthly! It is now one of the MediaTools
- New Global Hotkeys feature, keyboard shortcuts that will be triggered even when DestroY MediaPlay is not focused or is minimized, allowing you to control playback while working on your word processor or playing fullscreen games!
- Added retrieving of CDDB data for AudioCDs! A "Retrieve CDDB data for AudioCDs" setting was added
- Added Lyrics feature, supporting synchronized LRC files and plain TXT files! An "Automatically open Lyrics if available" setting was added
- New File Association system including setting to add options to Windows Explorer's context menus! (Play, Add to Playlist, Add & Schedule after current)
- Added TwistedPixel VisualFX (under kind permission from Brian Spangler). It is the new default VisualFX and contains hundreds of presets, supporting Milkdrop presets natively!
- Added several new (non-global) keyboard shortcuts (see hotkeys.txt)
- New Equalizer Presets Manager is now split in three parts: Load Preset, Save Prest, Delete Preset, making its interface much simpler and intuitive and allowing you to overwrite existing presets when saving
- Added new Playback page to the Settings panel
- Added "Schedule after current" and "Schedule after..." features to Playlist right-click menu
- Added "Stop with fadeout" feature and "Always stop w/fadeout" Playback setting
- Added "Rewind" and "Forward" features with "Rewind/Forward Time" Plyaback setting
- Added "Volume Up" and "Volume Down" options to the right-click menu
- New Visualizations left/right click menu lets you choose between Spectrum Analyzer, Oscilloscope or No Visualization in no time
- Added "Move after current" feature to Playlist right-click menu
- Playlist Settings: Added "Show Media ID Tags" and "Manual Playlist advance" settings
- Added support for mms streams, improved support of asf and asx
- Optimized most Playlist functions, improved handling of Current item and interface is now refreshed while using intensive Playlist functions with large lists
- New Playlist Search code allows you to use keywords in any order and search by file extensions
- Added Search for... "All keywords" and "Any keywords" options to Playlist Search
- Playlist's Search Next is now disabled when Search box text is changed
- Added "Auto start VisualFX on playback" setting
- In Video Window, you may now double-click to enable Fullscreen
- Fullscreen video is now topmost
- Added MediaBookmarks to Load menu
- Added more playback features to the Tray menu
- Added "Opaque on Hover" and "Opaque on Focus" features (Window Opacity)
- Improved control of the Video Window
- MiniBrowser is now maximizable
- Fixed VisualFX window style problems
- Improved precision of position tracker bar, Jump To Time, Volume Up/Down and MediaBookmarks w/position
- File Volume is now also available for videos
- "Snap To Edges" and "Snap Distance" settings now also apply to Video Window
- "Always On Top" setting now updated dinamically in Video Window
- About box is now bigger and allows you to view Version History version by version individually
- Changed the way the Equalizer and MediaInfo panels work. Now both cannot remain active at the same time and MediaInfo can be left open for the next startup
- Several other miscellaneous improvements and changes
- Updated help
- Bugfix: Fixed Hue setting (Video Settings). This was the cause of some videos appearing with incorrect colors with the default value
- Bugfix: Desktop Playback would fail in some ocassions, and wallpaper would not be restored if Video Window was closed through the keyboard
- Bugfix: URL ID3v2 field would not be saved with TagEdit
- Bugfix: Fixed stolen window focus when loading a file with DestroY MediaPlay in the Tray bar
- Bugfix: Fixed empty Playlist bug with Prev/Next buttons and Shuffle/Repeat on
- Bugfix: Some features would stop working correctly for the current media after trying to load an unexistant file
- Bugfix: Equalizer Presets would be deleted even if no Preset was selected in Presets Manager
- Bugfix: Playlist's right-click menu Delete/Crop functions and "Search & Crop" would not update Current item number
- Bugfix: Before loading any media file (MediaResume off), Playlist's "Edit Media Tags" option would give an error
- Bugfix: Playback of paused or stopped songs would be resumed after saving tags with TagEdit
- Bugfix: If saving with TagEdit before a media is loaded, playback of first media in Playlist won't be started anymore
- Bugfix: After saving with TagEdit, DestroY MediaPlay would be unable to restore playback position with some media formats
- Bugfix: MediaSchedule would fail to stop playback of video files
- Bugfix: DestroY MediaPlay would stay on top of fullscreen video if "Always On Top" was enabled
- Bugfix: Keyboard shortcuts would not work with Video Window focused
- Bugfix: Artist and Album tooltips will not be displayed anymore before loading any media file

DestroY MediaPlay v1.3.0
- Completely new modern design/skins!! DestroY MediaPlay is now not only one of the most powerful media players on the net, but now also one of the better looking ones!
- New versions of Default, Blue Touch, Green Force, Aqua and RedPlay skins, plus two new ones: Purple Tint and Golden Ingot included
- New playback buttons and Visualization backgrounds and bars
- Now each skin has its own default Visualization style and Playlist background/font color settings (new Visualization backgrounds for each skin added)
- Large ammount of interface improvements
- Video Window now updates skin dynamically when changed
- Reverb and Echo effects now have 32 levels
- Important optimization of the Volume bar and the "Move Selected Item Up/Down" playlist functions
- Current skin will be highlighted and previewed when opening the Skins Browser
- Seek time and percentage are now displayed in the media title bar
- Equalizer setting changes are now displayed in the media title bar
- Media artist and album are now also displayed in a tooltip to allow reading of long names
- MiniMode: Volume percentage is now displayed when pressing the - / + buttons
- Current media number will be now updated when sorting playlist
- MediaSchedule: Now only numbers are accepted in numerical boxes
- Limited Snap Distance to 0-300 pixels
- Updated help
- Bugfix: URLs would disappear from Playlist when adding files through Drag & Drop
- Bugfix: MiniMode skin was not changed when a new Skin was selected while on MiniMode
- Bugfix: In the Skins Browser, if a skin was selected and then another section of the Settings panel was opened, when returning to the Skins Browser it would reselect the previous skin
- Bugfix: If MiniMode was set while loading Playlist with MediaResume disabled, a 'Loading Playlist...' message would remain on screen until a media file was opened
- Bugfix: Fixed small Volume text graphical issues with MiniMode
- Bugfix: It was not possible to set Equalizer bands to their lowest setting

DestroY MediaPlay v1.2.1
- MediaBookmarks: Added bookmarks with position marking. Now you can bookmark your media files at various points of their length!
- Added option to automatically close Video Window when an audio file is playing
- Desktop Playback will now be disabled automatically if an audio file is playing or the Video Window is closed
- FullScreen and Desktop Playback buttons will now not work if an audio is playing or the video file is stopped
- When stopping a video file, its position will now show 00:00
- Play control items in the Video Right-click menu are now disabled if an audio file is playing
- Other minor changes
- Bugfix: If a video file was stopped in the first seconds of playback, its length would display 00:00 or 00:01

DestroY MediaPlay v1.2.0
- Added full support for the following formats: mid, midi, rmi, mo3, it, xm, s3m, mtm, umx, aif, aifc, aiff, au and snd.
- DestroY MediaPlay now also saves Playlists in M3U and PLS formats!
- MediaAnnounce: Added feature to show current file as MSN Messenger's Personal Message
- Added a Playlist Search menu with the following display options: Search & Select, Search & Crop and Search First/Next
- Added "Repeat Track" feature
- Drastically improved playlist loading and folder adding speed
- The Media position bar now supports seeking, drag the bar and the seek position and percentage will be displayed
- Added "Jump To Time" function
- Added "Load Folder" feature to the Load menu
- Added a Volume bar mixer line selection setting
- DestroY MediaPlay can now automatically check for updates on startup
- Added Playlist Font customization with Playlist Preview in the Settings panel
- New "Select Current" function to the Playlist Sel menu
- MediaAnnounce: Added "Only if minimized" option
- Added a Presets "Quick Load" menu
- Added a "Quick Load" menu for VisualFX selection
- Presets will now apply automatically on selection, while a Cancel button was added to restore to the previous one
- Removed previous limit of 100 saved Presets
- Redesigned Playlist's HTML Export
- You can now resize the MiniBrowser
- Added "DestroY MediaPlay MiniSite" to MiniBrowser, a site with the latest news made for the MiniBrowser's default size
- Improved MiniBrowser's URL display detection
- Last opened playlist is now loaded once DestroY MediaPlay has fully loaded, improving opening time
- If the Video Window was closed and the video is still the current file, the Play button will now reopen the Video Window
- Video Window now leaves fullscreen at end of playback
- Play button now restarts a video which had finished playback
- If Playlist Shuffling is enabled, Previous and Next buttons will now move to a random item
- MediaBookmarks doesn't allow repeated bookmarks anymore
- If "Always On Top" feature is enabled, windows opened will behave in the same way
- Volume Bar now reaches 0% (before 2.5% was the minimmum)
- Swapped MiniMode volume buttons
- Changed icon for true-colour version
- Spectrum Analyzer/Oscilloscope customization settings are now hidden depending on choosen type
- If Visualization's custom background image was not found, a warning sign will be displayed instead of an error message
- Editboxes are now scrollable (except the ones that need short values)
- Added password-masked editbox to the MediaUpdate Password setting
- Solved cursor issues with "Move Selected Item Up" button
- TagEdit won't oppen anymore when the file is unexistant
- Numeric values in TagEdit don't accept other type of characters anymore
- New well-placed hotspot for the "finger" cursor
- Bitrate, Sample rate and Channel information is now displayed in one column
- Changed MiniMode button icon
- Updated help
- Other internal and minor changes/improvements
- Bugfix: PLS Playlists wouldn't load correctly through the "Open Playlist" function
- Bugfix: TagEdit wouldn't work correctly with OGG files in v1.1.0
- Bugfix: At the end of the last Playlist item, if the last item was moved up, or a longer list was loaded, playback would resume itself without user's input
- Bugfix: If an item was playing, and a longer list was loaded, the Next button would jump to the following number in the new list
- Bugfix: After loading and stopping an unexistant file, an error would be displayed after pressing Play
- Bugfix: In some ocassions, videos would play with the audio track doubled and out of sync
- Bugfix: Unexistant files were loaded if the Next button was used after clearing the Playlist with Repeat on
- Bugfix: If the Play button was pressed after startup with MediaResume off, the Video Window would be opened and a error message displayed
- Bugfix: If No Visualization was selected and MediaTools box was openeed, after closing it the Visualization panel didn't display the background image anymore and a Visualization could not be started until next startup
- Bugfix: In some occassions, clicking Pause twice was necessary for the media to pause
- Bugfix: If Playlist Repeating was on, and the current item number was larger than the number of items in the list, playback wouldn't go back to the first item
- Bugfix: Channel information disappeared after loading an unsupported file
- Bugfix: Playlist right-click menu allowed bookmarking and editing tags when no item was selected, generating problems
- Bugfix: Using the "Stop after Current" or "Stop after..." functions, if after they stopped, you double clicked the same item, DestroY MediaPlay would incorrectly jump to the following one
- Bugfix: If the Sort-Randomize function was used, using Sort-Reverse would revese the previous playlist, not the randomized one
- Bugfix: When pausing a video, sometimes the Position Bar would be filled as if playback would have finished
- Bugfix: An error would be showed if Play, Pause or Stop were pressed inmediately after loading a video file
- Bugfix: MediaSchedule's icon was showed on top of the MediaTools box
- Bugfix: When switching pages in the Settings panel, some of MediaSchedule's settings would disappear
- Bugfix: VisualFX Plugins settings would sometimes open theirselves behind the Settings panel
- Bugfix: Fixed graphic error with the Mute boxes in MediaMixer
- Bugfix: A strange string was being displayed at startup if Equalizer was opened

DestroY MediaPlay v1.1.0
- DestroY MediaPlay has now DVD support! Watch your favourite DVD's with advanced features! Load the DVD from your drive or IFO files
- New sound and video engines!!
- SHOUTcast radio stations support
- MediaSchedule: Schedule a date/time or item number and plan an action like playing another media, stop playback or close player!
- New oscilloscope visualizations with predefined styles, customization options and advanced settings!
- MediaBookmarks: Bookmark your favourite media files!
- Desktop playback: Watch your videos and DVD's as if they were your wallpaper!!
- Scroll media title in taskbar function
- Added Playlist and Video Window right click menus!
- New Video settings! Lets you config several colour settings, and hide cursor/disable screensaver in fullscreen playback
- New "Stop after.." function. Set the item number and playback will be stopped when that file is reached
- New Load menu lets you load files, URL's, CD drives and DVD's
- DVD Position Marks feature, save the current position and continue watching your movie later from the same point!
- DVD Video chapters/menus features
- Video Window is not shown in the taskbar anymore, and it's minimized and restored together with the main player
- Minimize DestroY MediaPlay to the tray or to the taskbar
- Added "Crop Selected Item(s)" in Playlist function
- Improved associated formats loading without use of an external exe
- Added IFO DVD files association
- Improvements and updates done in the MediaInfo panel
- Added "MPEG Accurate" function for correct length retrieval of variable bitrate files in Playlist
- Playlist is now circular if Repeat is on, "Previous" on item 1 takes to last item and viceversa
- DestroY MediaPlay now avoids opening of multiple windows of the same type
- Improved opening of Video Window in slow machines
- If Artist/Album names are too long, click them and they will be shown in the title display
- Added "Window Opacity" function to the Settings menu
- 2 new VisualFX's included
- VisualFX modules can now be loaded with a double click (VisualFX Settings)
- Small improvements in interface masks and play control buttons
- Big ammount of internal changes
- Updated help
- Small improvement in MediaUpdate, regarding version description
- VisualFX's won't start if no file is opened
- Compiler bugfix: DestroY MediaPlay won't be closed anymore when a file finishes and a dialog box is opened
- Bugfix: If repeat was on, 'Previous' while playing last media would play the first one
- Bugfix: Ctrl+Del in Playlist and "Remove Non-existant file(s)" didn't delete all items
- Bugfix: If a file was loaded through Load File and repeat was on, file would not repeat
- Bugfix: If the current Playlist item was moved, DestroY MediaPlay wouldn't reflect that change when playing the following one
- Bugfix: The Big MediaTools box was displayed behind the Visualization after coming from MiniMode
- Bugfix: MediaInfo reported Mono channels for all files
- Bugfix: MediaAnnounce was being shown in files that can't be played
- Bugfix: TagEdit wouldn't load files with extensions in uppercase characters correctly

DestroY MediaPlay v1.0.2
- Improved "Add Folder" function. Now adds the files to Playlist Manager in half the time!
- Added Keyboard Shortcuts for Play, Pause and Stop functions
- DestroY MediaPlay is now ready to work with it's first Addon!
- Bugfix: Internal Playlist search with empty string crashed DestroY MediaPlay

DestroY MediaPlay v1.0.1
- If DestroY MediaPlay is already installed, settings won't be overwritten!
- DestroY MediaPlay now selects all items containing the search string
- Added "Remove Non-existant File(s)" to Playlist Manager, checks throught the Playlist for unexistant items and removes them
- Bugfix: If in Video Window you click over "Fullscreen" button it won't go again into FullScreen
- MediaResume: It will now always select the correct media in the Playlist
- Fixed HTML Exporting of empty Playlists
- Improved Settings and MediaUpdate opening, related to sound volume on slow machines
- Separed Equalizer's background from MediaInfo's to improve skinning
- Added check-bitmap to "Stop after Current" feature when it is being used
- Solved small button allignment problems
- Corrected spelling mistake in Video Window

DestroY MediaPlay v1.0.0
- First public release!!

Christian Smirnoff ("DestroY")

Graphic Design
Derek Davy ("Delboy")
Christian Smirnoff ("DestroY")

DLL Assistance
Victor Pau Bellver López ("PauVictor")

Beta Testing

Special Thanks

DestroY MediaPlay is a freeware product, but it took months of hard work, effort and dedication. If you wish to donate and support DestroY Software's and DestroY MediaPlay's development, contact me here.

This software is freeware and you can feel free to use it without any charges.
You are not allowed to develope the software back, change, spilt, decompile, disassemble or translate the software product neither in parts nor as whole thing. All rights reserved.
This software is provided "as-is" without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
DestroY MediaPlay is in no way affiliated with Microsoft Windows, Winamp, MSN Messenger or Windows Live Messenger. All trademarks mentioned are property of their respective owners.

Send me your comments about the program and report any bugs you find.
E-mail me if you have any doubts.

Enjoy it!


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